To κορίτσι που απέδειξε πως μπορείς να τρως το τριπλάσιο και να είσαι fit

Η απόδειξη: Φάτε περισσότερο και αδυνατίστε!

To κορίτσι που απέδειξε πως μπορείς να τρως το τριπλάσιο και να είσαι fit


Η Madalin Giorgetta φωτογραφίζεται και συγκρίνει δυο φωτογραφίες.

Στην αριστερή την βλέπετε όσο κατανάλωνε όλη μέρα 800 θερμίδες σε φαγητό ενώ δεξιά την βλέπετε στις 1800!

Το post της έχει ως στόχο να δείξει ότι η κατανάλωση λιγότερων θερμίδων δεν θα κάνει απαραίτητα το σώμα να φαίνεται μικρότερο ή πιο fit! 

Let's just preface this by saying no, I did not have an ED. When I was eating 800 calories a day, I thought I was healthy. I was eating healthy food, but hardly any macronutrients. I was curious to find out what my macros were like before I actually started counting my macros, so I entered my old foods into @myfitnesspal to find out. I was quiet astonished to see how little protein and carbs I was eating. 800 calories seems absurdly low as now I need minimum 1500 calories to be full, but at the time 800 calories was keeping me full because that's what my body was used to. After a while though, salad simply wasn't cutting it, and for all the restrictions I was placing on my diet, I simply wasn't seeing the results I had anticipated. So I got in touch with a PT and nutritional coach and got my macros sorted. When he first told me to eat 50% carbs I nearly died! I was eating about 10% carbs before and could not fathom how 50% carbs would not make me fat. I also freaked out at all the calories. I've been keeping an excel spreadsheet and in the first week of being on macros my average calories for the week was a little over 1000. I remember how hard I struggled to actually eat the size of my meals. I would just put my lunch next to my desk and eat it over the course of 3 hours as I couldn't eat it in one sitting! Now my stomach can take way more and is much happier! In the second week I was averaging 1600 calories a day! It didn't take long for my body to catch up. A part of me may always have that mindset that relates not eating with weight loss and "being good today". Sometimes I may forget to eat lunch just because I got busy and for a second I will revert back to old thinking, and think "ohh, I've done really well today and haven't eaten much at all." That's why I love tracking my macros. It will tell me "Maddy, you need to eat more. Go eat 3 potatoes". And I'll pat myself on the back for being healthy and doing really good today! If you're under feeding yourself in an effort to lose weight, don't do what I did for so long. Don't waste your time eating salad when you could be eating sweet potatoes and banana pancakes. Eat more and get fit. It actually works 🙌🏽

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) στις

"Ένα μέρος μου μπορεί πάντα να έχει αυτή τη νοοτροπία πως όσο λιγότερο φάω τόσο καλύτερα! Μερικές φορές μπορεί να ξεχάσω να φάω το μεσημεριανό γεύμα απλώς και μόνο επειδή είμαι απασχολημένη" λέει.


Η ίδια μπορεί να έβαλε 4 κιλά και να τρώει το τριπλάσιο, αλλά το σώμα της είναι τέλειο!

Μην αγχώνεστε με το πόσο τρώτε αλλά το ΤΙ τρώτε!

🌟 2015 - 2017 🌟 From somebody who wasn't even remotely interested in fitness to who I am today, a personal trainer and on the brink of releasing customised training guides, it's been a massive journey! 🙈 When I first started working out, I had to Google what a burpee was, I used to squat against a wall with my basketball behind my back because my form was so bad 🏀 I had never been to a gym before, I couldn't do any form of push-ups, I believed the best way to lose weight was through starving myself and all I wanted was to get below 50kg ⚖️ Now I workout 5 times a week and go to 2 gyms haha 🏋🏼‍♀️ I can hip thrust 110kg, I eat 1000 calories before 10am 😋 I can bust out 20 burpees, I can do 10 real push-ups (still shit but hey?! Haha progress!) and I don't have any unhealthy hang ups with food 😘 I've learnt so much over the past 2 years, and I want to be able to put this to practice and help you 👯 I'm launching my GYM BASED online training guides at 8am EDT New York time (8pm Perth time, 10pm Sydney time and 1pm London time) 💕 I'm going to be working with you one-on-one to help you achieve your goals, I'm so excited to have my first clients! ❤️

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) στις

Περισσότερα Θέματα Wellness
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